By Level


Conflict management involves:
• Stepping up to conflicts.
• Reading situations quickly.
• Resolving challenging conflicts and disagreements.
• Helping parties with differing opinions or perspectives come together to achieve a significant and innovative resolution.
Managing conflict is considered a core competency for leaders because how they manage their team, particularly when disputes arise, significantly impacts the workplace environment and how the team works together in the future.
When conflict is effectively managed, it can be helpful in problem-solving and team building. However, when managers and supervisors lack conflict management competency, it causes enormous problems and breaks down teamwork.
The most visible cost of conflict resolution in competency is not litigation; instead, it is the overall loss of productivity, employee engagement, and teamwork.



May be seen as overly aggressive and assertive; may get in the middle of everyone else's problems; may drive for a solution before others are ready; may have a chilling effect on open debate; may spend too much time with obstinate people and unsolvable problems.


Avoids conflict in situations and with people; may accommodate, want everyone to get along; may get upset as a reaction to conflict, takes it personally; can't operate under conflict long enough to get a good deal; gives in and says yes too soon; gets into conflict by accident; doesn't see it coming; will let things fester rather than dealing with them directly; will try to wait long enough for it to go away; may be excessively competitive and have to win every dispute.


Is cool under pressure; does not become defensive or irritated when times are tough; is considered mature; can be counted on to hold things together during tough times; can handle stress; is not knocked off balance by the unexpected; doesn’t show frustration when resisted or blocked; is a settling influence in a crisis



May not show appropriate emotion; may be seen as cold and uncaring; may seem flat in situations where others show feelings; may be easily misinterpreted; may not be able to relate well to those whose actions and decisions are based more on feelings than on thinking.


Gets rattled and loses cool under pressure and stress; may blow up, say things he/she shouldn't; gets easily overwhelmed and becomes emotional, defensive or withdrawn; may be defensive and sensitive to criticism; may be cynical or moody; may be knocked off balance by surprises and get easily rattled; may contribute to others losing composure or being unsettled; may let anger, frustration and anxiety show.


Clearly and comfortably delegates both routine and important tasks and decisions; broadly shares both responsibility and accountability; tends to trust people to perform; lets direct reports finish their own work.



May overdelegate without providing enough direction or help; may have unrealistic expectations for direct reports and others, or may overstructure tasks and decisions before delegating them to the point of limiting individual initiative; may not do enough of the work him/herself.


Doesn't believe in or trust delegation; lacks trust and respect in the talent of direct reports and others; does most things by him/herself or hoards, keeps the good stuff for him/herself; doesn't want or know how to empower others; may delegate but micromanages and looks over shoulders; might delegate but not pass on the authority; may lack a plan of how to work through others; may just throw tasks at people; doesn't communicate the bigger picture.



Places high priority on developing others; Develops others through coaching, feedback, exposure, and stretch assignments; Aligns employee career development goals with organizational objectives; Encourages people to accept developmental moves.


May concentrate on the development of a few at the expense of many; may create work inequities as challenging assignments are parceled out; may be overly optimistic about how much people can grow; may endorse the latest developmental fad within the organization and cooperate with the system even when it doesn't make sense for an individual.

Not a people developer or builder; very results driven and tactical; no time for long-term development; doesn't see long-term development as his/her job; plays it safe-can't bring him/herself to assign really stretching (risky) work; thinks development is going to a course -doesn't know how development really happens; may not know the aspirations of people, may not hold career discussions or provide coaching, may not push people to take their development seriously; may prefer to select for talent rather than develop it; doesn't support or cooperate with the developmental system in the organization.



Pursues everything with energy, drive, and a need to finish; seldom gives up before finishing, especially in the face of resistance or setbacks.


May stick to efforts beyond reason, in the face of overwhelming odds and evidence to the contrary; may be seen as stubborn and unyielding; may not set appropriate priorities; may find it difficult to change course; may confuse personal have-to-do's with what most needs to be done.

Gives up too soon or moves on to something that's going better; doesn't push hard enough to get things done; doesn't go back with different strategies for the third and fourth try; may take rejection too personally; may hesitate to push when met with conflict, disagreement or attacks; may agree too early just to get it over with; may compromise for less than the original goal or objective; may simply not want to take charge and be out front.


Customer focus involves: Being dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers. Acting with customers in mind. Identifying and implementing solutions for customer problems. Consistently strive to build a customer-focused culture and only settle for quality that consistently exceeds customers' expectations. Establishing and maintaining effective relationships with customers and gaining their trust and respect. Whether your department's customer is an external or internal group or individual, the business principle stays the same: maintaining customer satisfaction is vital for long-term success. Those who please the customer best win. It's as simple as that. So, to be successful, it is crucial to continuously pay attention to customer needs and adapt as these evolve. A focus on customers drives innovation and creates a responsive and agile organization


May be overly responsive to customer demands; may be too willing to change established processes and timetables to respond to unreasonable customer requests; may make too many exceptions and not form consistent policies, practices, and processes for others to learn and follow; sticks so close to current customer needs that breakthroughs are missed.

Doesn't think of the customer first; may think he/she already knows what they need; may focus on internal operations and get blindsided by customer problems; may not make the first move - won't meet and get to know customers; uncomfortable with new people contacts; may be unwilling to handle criticisms, complaints, and special requests; may not listen well to customers, may be defensive; may not make the time for customer contact.


Relates comfortably with people across levels, functions, culture, and geography, Acts with diplomacy and tact; Builds rapport in an open, friendly, and accepting way; Builds constructive relationships with people both similar and different to self; Picks up on interpersonal and group dynamics


May be able to get by with smooth interpersonal skills; may spend too much time building networks and glad-handing; may not be taken as substantive by some; may not be a credible take-charge leader when that's necessary; may have some trouble and freeze when facing serious conflict.

Doesn't relate smoothly to a variety of people; may not build relationships easily-may lack approachability or good listening skills; doesn't take the time to build rapport; may be too raw and direct at times; may be excessively work oriented or intense; may be impatient to get on with the agenda; judgmental or arrogant toward others; may not read others well; may freeze or panic in the face of conflict, attack or criticism; may be shy or lack confidence around others.

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